We are a multi car repairing and servicing unit, in the name and style mentioned, engaged in multi level activities related to automobile industries.
As a participant of different car rally our proprietor has a keen interest on various type of car and later on, this became a passion which led him to start this workshop. He is having a beautiful observation that if anyone wants to go for an exclusive maintenance or repairing of his vehicle he has to go to an authorized service station and spend a lot of money for the same as there is no alternative because an ordinary workshop has a mere infrastructure for the same service. It would have been a better option for him if there is a workshop with modern outlook and machines of modern technology, better services offered against a reasonable price. Moreover, observation of the proceedings on floor and exchange ideas could have been more transparent. We all know that parts/spares of renowned companies are now available in open market manufactured by the same companies who are supplying OEM to the car manufacturers. So, availability of spare/parts nowadays is not a problem, but it is very difficult for an ordinary workshop to cope up with the pace of the automobile industry in terms of technological advancement.
We look forward to an opportunity to serve you to our best of ability.
With best wishes and regards,
The Unitech Automobile
EN - 61, Sector - V,
Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700091
Email: contact@unitechautomobile.com